My name is Rodney Fabrizio Miron Zacarias, I am 16 years old I am studying high school, I am from Mexico and I was born in Cancun, Quintana Roo I have 2 younger brothers, my father and my mother work and I take care of my brothers for a while.

I have plans to study the university finishing high school, but I have no idea which profession to choose.

study habits

how are you? Good

what´s your name? Rodney fabrizio

what´s your firs name you? Rodney 

where you froom? Mexico

what is you surname? Miron

what is your family name? Miron Zacarias

where do you live? in the plam 

what´s your thelephone numer? 9984197204

what´syour enmail address? 

what´s your job? i do not work